Not sure what exactly is happening in this extremely short animated video by Eric Villeneuve, Antoine Rouleau and Emmanuel Gatera, but two things...
Category - Big Kids
Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a Devastating Explosion. Click the image below to view a sample of some of the more devastating...
This is a Weta Bug from New Zealand’s Little Barrier Island. Most people would be scared if they found a bug this big, but turns out all you...
The FlyBoard is a board that harnesses the thrust generated by a small water jet craft to provide thrust to a single person strapped to the small...
This is a cool video showing the machining and assembly of a tiny V12 engine. It’s long, but you can see the inner workings of a complex...
A 3d painting is a painting on a flat surface that makes it look like the surface is not flat. 3D means three dimensional. Which means that...