They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but boredom is often the mother of necessity. I had forgotten about this until it popped up today...
Category - Little Kids
5 year old trials rider Jack made this video as a tribute to his favorite rider Danny MacAskill. My son and I watched this this morning. He says he...
Astronomy, Big Kids, Little Kids
Ten Amazing Photos by André Kuipers on the International Space Station
André Kuipers is a European Space Agency astronaut from The Netherlands who has spent a lot of time on the International Space Station. He is the...
Awesome video from Chet Harvey of his 2 year old son catching a wave. That kid is BIG! My son just turned two and he is not nearly that big or...
Jellyfish are cool. As long as you’re not swimming through a heard of them. They’re also one of the coolest things to see at the Monterey...
The eclipse was pretty amazing here in Reno, NV last evening. It occurred just over the mountains around Lake Tahoe to the west of town. I...