Finally something awesome for dad that doesn’t come in Kid sizes! Pajamas printed in Denim Blue Jean design with rips!
Author - Wolfy
Flying has captivated humans since we first noticed birds soaring in the wind. Since then we’ve been looking for ways to get some air time. In the last century...
Here’s a long staircase which according to the source, Bit Rebels, is the longest in the world at 699 steps. This staircase has 699 steps, and if you are afraid of...
This would be a cool thing to have around the house… -Mike
An amazing image of a huge tree that washed ashore in Washington State last year. Click through to the source link for the full story on the log and the conditions that...
Every once in a while something comes along that makes you say, “fascinating.” Dr Massimo Marengo, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in...
Think you need your arms to be remarkable? Not everyone does. Check out this dude who is on the USA Archery team and has no arms. Matt has never let his physical...
Penguins are a flightless bird native to cold polar regions of the Southern Hemisphere. That are well adapted to living in cold otherwise inhospitable places and have...
Sometimes the strange things fall from the sky, sometimes we dig them up in mines. The plots of our favorite science fiction movies get more and more plausible the more...
An awesome Go Pro Helmet Cam video of Strider Bike Riding totts. This looks like a ton of fun! Toddler racing – Age 2 to 5 years old play and race for the first...