The image below is for a real patent issued by the United States Patent Office in 1982. The device is a tube that you insert into the waste drain of a toilet to access...
Author - Wolfy
Below is an image of two galaxies that passed close by each other and distorted each other’s shape due to the intesne gravitational attraction between them...
I just ordered a set of these Nerdy Baby Science Alphabet flash cards to start teaching bowie the nerdy alphabet. We already have started teaching him the Spanish...
Here’s a video about a kid who makes custom Lego Tractors and farm equipment. Which is super cool. Warren Seely’s family works a mint farm. Which has got to...
This version of the B-52’s Rock Lobster (1979) performed by robots is pretty awesome! My favorite part is the copiers that make the high pitched whine noise. Below...
Not sure what exactly is happening in this extremely short animated video by Eric Villeneuve, Antoine Rouleau and Emmanuel Gatera, but two things jump out. The reference...
This is a video of artist Miguel Endara creating a pointalist image, or an image made up of only small dots of color (black). The portrait is of the artist’s...
This is a creative interpretation of imagery from NASA’s STEREO or Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory. This is a project consisting of two satellites that...
For some reason dogs like to stick their heads out of cars. Here’s a funny video by Keith on Vimeo that documents this phenomenon.
This is a clip from David Attenborough who for many years has been hosting, producing and narrating documentary nature videos. I highly recommend them all. This video...