A neat video of the process of producing a letterpress card. In this case it’s for an art show in Sacramento, California called “Lines of Landscape.”...
Author - Wolfy
A prett amazing interactive site chronicling the Lunar Space Missions. -M
We Choose the Moon: Pre-launch.
The below is an image captured through a telescope. At times though comets are visible to the naked eye. When I was in college, the Comet Hale-Bopp was visible and...
Water is pretty important to humans. While we see rain all the time, and snow some times, large scale ice formations like glaciers and ice bergs are not so common. So...
When an extremely dangerous and highly secretive pair of undergarments with the power to destroy the world fall into the wrong hands, the call goes out to the only team...
check out this video of a volcano erupting for the first time in 300 years! More info Source: Adventure Journal Wikipedia LA Times Types of Volcanos Challenge There are...
Depending on where you live, it may seem like we live in a free world. Or even just a free country. But it isn’t that simple. The image below is what the border...
Description: This is going on right now down in Chile. The images are amazing. Doesn’t look like it could be Earth does it? -M More Info: Some of these images...
You don’t have to take too many 9 hour buss rides in Africa to believe this info-graphic. -M
Things look different at different scales. But also, they look eerily similar. When you blow things up like this they seem like they should exist on our scale, they...