It’s a scientifically proven fact that a baby goat is the cutest animal on the planet.

Baby Goats, Chefchaouen Morocco
Baby Goats, Chefchaouen Morocco. Photo by Mike Henderson.

The sun was going down on us as we climbed up to the rock face above the blue city of Chefchaouen, Morocco. A few tourists and locals passed below us on the path, but it was mostly quiet as we waited for the city lights to stand out against the darkening sky. While we waited, an avalanche of goats, mostly babies, came streaming down from the steep rocky gully above us, weaved around us and the rocks as though we weren’t even there and headed down to the path, and the low lands to graze, or perhaps to do this:

Before our son was born my wife and I took a trip to Morocco, a country in the northwest corner of Africa. We saw a lot of goats. We also ate a lot of goat meat. Not sure if we ate the cute ones, but it was delicious.


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