They found a really small frog in Papua New Guinnea. Do click through and read the article, but here’s some interesting facts:

  • They are the smallest known tertapods (4 legged vertebrates.)  In other words, they have 4 (tetra) feet (peds) and a back bone (vertebre)
  • Scientists listened for their calls and zeroed in on their location to find them
  • They are adapted to eat mites and very small bugs that no other creature in the area can eat cause they are too small!
  • The largest frog in the world, the goliath frog grows up to 33 cm, wich is just over 30 times larger than the runt below.

Paedophryne dekot—dekot means “very small” in the local Daga language—is about 8.5 to 9 millimeters long. The bumpy-skinned P. verrucosa, meaning “full of warts” in Latin, is an average of 8.8 to 9.3 millimeters in length.

via Smallest Frogs Found—Each Tinier Than an M&M.

The new species of small frog Paedophryne dekot.

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